Your anniversary is coming up (we’re not nagging, just stating a fact). But what to get them? You could try the old Google-what-the-gift-for-[insert number]-years-of-marriage-is route, but if the gift is tin, you might want to have a re-think. Trust us, they’ll be less than impressed with a tin of baked beans. Bin the fusty list of traditional gifts and give them something timeless and thoughtful from our personalized anniversary gifts.
That’s the gift out of the way, now for the card. A dedication that’s heartfelt, sweet and with just the right amount of innuendo is no mean feat. If you need a little shot of creative inspiration, we’ve got your back. After all, after however many years of marriage, you’ve probably said it all…
Generic messages
Let’s start in the obvious place: catch-all anniversary wishes suitable for any year and (almost) any partner.
• Another year of being married to my best friend.
• I can only hope I make you even half as happy as you make me.
• You and me, we just make sense.
• Everything I do is better next to you.
First wedding anniversary wishes
Your first year as spouses! Just reiterate how much better it is being married to them than it was not being married to them and you should be fine.
• One year in and still the best decision you ever made.
• Woo-hoo! We survived our first year together.
• 365 days of marriage. I’m in for another 365 if you are?
• Congratulations, you’ve passed your 12 month trial. I’d like to offer you a long-term contract.
Golden anniversary wishes
Fifty years of marriage. It’s a huge milestone to reach, so make sure you use just the right words to let your spouse know what a fifty years it’s been.
• The last fifty years have been full of ups, downs, laughs and happy tears. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Here’s to many more years together.
• Fifty years of you making every day feel like our wedding day
• Fifty years of making marriage look easy.
• 50 years, 600 months, 2,607 weeks, 18,250 days, 43,800 hours, 26,280,000 minutes, 1,576,800,000 seconds… and counting.
Silver anniversary wishes
25 years of laundry Olympics, co-sleeping, and pretending the dishwasher is full of dirty dishes not clean ones (don’t make out you haven’t pulled that one). 25 years is an amazing milestone… in that it’s amazing nobody has killed anyone.
• On your 25th wedding anniversary: congratulations on defying most marriage statistics.
• 25 years down, forever to go. I’m in if you are.
• 25 years of marriage. You’d get less for murder.
• 25 years of pretending you don’t snore. Well done me.
Husband and wife anniversary wishes
Nobody gets them like you do. Prove it with a funny wedding anniversary wish for your spouse that will make them laugh or cry (whichever result you’re going for this year).
• You’re my favourite wife/husband so far.
• I should never laugh at your choices…because I am one of them.
• Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember that I put up with you so I think that makes us even.
• Me talking, you listening. It’s worked pretty well so far don’t you think?
Parents and siblings anniversary wishes
Don’t worry about a gift (that’s their other half’s job) but send your sibling or parents a little anniversary message to let them know you remembered.
• You make marriage look easy. (How do you do that?)
• Happy anniversary. Did you get [Name] a medal for the occasion?
• Happy Anniversary, Mum. This is just in case Dad forgets…
• Happy Anniversary. I still can’t believe you convinced [Name] to marry you.
Funny anniversary wishes
Everyone needs a giggle (especially married people). So here are four humorous things to write inside that anniversary card.
• We were both born to be wild (until about 9pm or so).
• It’s our anniversary. Get ready to paint the town red pale pink
• I’ve had a think, and I’ve decided you can stay.
• I want you (to put the bins out).
Wedding anniversary quotes
And finally, let’s look at how the pros do it. Here are our favourite quotes to include in your wedding anniversary card. That Anonymous guy really knew his stuff…
•“Our anniversary is just a momentary celebration, but our marriage is a timeless one.” — Anonymous
•“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” — Aristotle
•“I’m much more me when I’m with you.” — Anonymous
•“Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years.” — Simone Signoret
•“I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” — Anonymous