Is he a world-class cuddler? A dad so legendary he ought to wear armour? Is he a superhero without the cape? Dads (and dad-types) are sometimes the unsung heroes of the family unit, but we can help you change that. We’ve rounded up some of the most unique and lovely ways to wish Dad an excellent Father’s Day, including a few you might not expect. Of course, if a personalized Father’s Day book that celebrates all that is great about him (and may even bring on a few happy tears, you never know) is what you’re thinking, then we can help with that, too. Obviously.
Cape not included
If he’s epic with a capital ‘E’, then look no further than My Legendary Daddy. A hilarious ode to dads who get things done, this is a personalized book for Dad and up to three kids. If he’s more super than epic, we can thoroughly recommend My Daddy The Superhero. As books for Dad go, this one deserves its own theme tune. Transform Dad into a superhero in this incredible personalized storybook for him and up to four children.
Explore his roots
If he enjoys a bit of family history or is interested in his own ancestors, a family tree would make a fascinating Father’s Day gift. You can build your own with a little help from or have somebody put one together for you using actual DNA at 23andme. Fair warning, if he discovers he’s descended from Swedish royalty, you may never hear the end of it.
From the baby
Babies aren’t great at choosing Father’s Day gifts. They get better at it, but you’ll have to do most of the leg work to begin with. Make the job an easy one with one of our spot-on books for dads. I Love Daddy This Much is a unique and adorable Father’s Day book gift that does exactly as the title promises: shows him just how much he’s adored. Plus, it comes with a customized First Father’s Day cover, which makes it all the more special. Similarly, Thank You, Daddy is a heart-warming read filled with gentle rhyme and charming illustrations to make his Father’s Day especially sweet. This one can also be given the gift-from-baby treatment with a lovely First Father’s Day cover.
Nostalgia lovers
Does he have a much-loved book from his youth? Did his own dad read him Beatrix Potter? Or was he a Velveteen Rabbit kind of kid? Get yourself down to a secondhand bookshop (or take yourself online to one of the thousands of rare book dealers that have websites) and find an early edition of his childhood favorite. Cue tears.
Make bedtime all about peace (not war)
Bedtime can be – shall we say – challenging in some households where small people live. This Father’s Day, give Dad the best possible gift of a calm and straightforward bedtime packed with snuggles and cuddles brought about by one of these snooze-friendly titles. Daddy’s Magic Hugs is like a cuddle with pages. It’s all about what makes his particular brand of hugs so very special and has been designed to get those manly tear ducts working overtime. For a fun-filled storytime, What Does Your Daddy Do All Day? is a rib-tickling, read-aloud custom Father’s Day book that will have the whole family giggling.
From bigger kids
If the little ones are no longer quite so little and you’re looking for a slightly more grown-up book for Father’s Day (or if you’re looking for a gift for Grandpa or Grandad), then Where Are You? Grown-up Edition could be just the thing. The perfect gift from teenage children or grandchildren, it’s a search-and-find book for adults in which they search for…themselves! The Book of Everyone Dad Edition is bursting with cultural nuggets from the year Dad was born, a brilliant gift that features mind-blowing facts about his astonishing life.