A joy-bursting craft idea for Random Acts of Kindness Day
February 17th is officially Random Acts of Kindness Day! (Although we think it’s cool to be kind every day of the year.) If you’re celebrating with kids at home or school, why not try making this easy-peasy friendship bracelet together? It’s inspired by the magical Rainbow Road in our book The Little Boy or Girl Who Found Their Friends – which by sheer luck is all about sharing, caring and kindness. Hurrah!
What you need
Thread in lots of different colours
Sellotape (optional)
Step-by-step Rainbow Road friendship bracelet
Step 1
Lay out your different coloured threads. You can choose how many strands you want of each. We’ve used two strands for each colour, but if you have thinner thread you may want to choose three or even four. Or more! Go wild.
Step 2
Measure and cut your threads. A really easy way to measure is to hold each strand from your child’s fingertip to their shoulder. And then carefully… snip!
Step 3
Gather all your threads together in and tie a loop at one end.
Step 4
Now, one person becomes the anchor and one person becomes the threader. If you’re the anchor, it’s your job to hold the looped end of the bracelet on the edge of a table. This is a VERY important job so make sure little hands stay steady. (You can always use a bit of tape to help.)
Step 5
If you’re the threader, start to wrap your first coloured thread around the rest of the colours. How many times depends on how long your your bracelet is, but about four or five times should be just fine.
Step 6
Now you can switch, and wrap your next coloured thread around the rest (including the first one).
Step 7
Repeat this for each colour you have. If you get to the end of your colours and you still have thread left, start again at the beginning.
Step 8
When you’re finished with your bracelet and it’s the right length, tie a knot at the end.
Step 9
Tie the two ends together, and cut off any extra threads.Voila! A super snazzy friendship bracelet your child can give to a friend, teacher or family member to brighten their day.